In 2021, a year marked by social and personal upheavals, Penguin Random House launched its 'Wrapped of Reading' campaign, reflecting the shift in reading habits amidst global challenges. Quarantine, social distancing, and isolation drove people away from the fleeting comfort of screens and towards the solace found in literature. This year of stagnation, stress, and loss led many to seek guidance and hope in books, highlighting literature's role in illuminating paths forward during uncertain times. My objective in this project is to delve into the campaign's success and explore strategies to enhance its impact further, leveraging the profound connection between readers and literature during these transformative times.

Find The Light


Art Direction, Creative Strategy, Graphic Design

The 'Wrapped of Reading' campaign by Penguin Random House, while insightful, faces challenges due to its length and detailed nature, limiting audience engagement. A more effective approach would be to condense the content and diversify ad placements across various platforms to target different customer segments better. The campaign's presence on Instagram, currently focused on statistics, could be more interactive and informative for those unfamiliar with the main video. Recognizing that reading is a constant refuge, especially in difficult times, the campaign should emphasize this timeless aspect to resonate more deeply with a broader audience.

Problems & Opportunities

Get Young people who feel confused or not satisfied about their current life, to know that Penguin Random House is a publisher with a wide range of books, by showcasing book is a solution to help people get through every difficulty, because Every confusion that book can answer, every dark moment can be got through with book.


Targeting young people who are affected by the pandemic and feel stressed about their lives, the brand is promoted in the form of a data-driven copy in Public transport stations in workplace / City Park / Downtown. Even though life is full of stress, books are a solution.


The 2021 annual summary of the book list targets separate groups facing different life pressures with recommended books. Even if people have not watched the video, they can still learn from the post and discover how to find the light. Brands can also continue to use this format for book recommendations. Life is always filled with stress, and people always need to find a way to cope with it.


"Find the light" is the theme of the campaign and the purpose of the book. Nowadays, most young people choose to buy books online for convenience and the pandemic. By combining the action of finding a delivery with the theme and redesigning the delivery box, people are already involved in the process of "Find the light" when they are looking for the delivery.


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Brian Reginald Harrison



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